Performance Support Team

This team includes our in-house medical staff and other professionals responsible for maintaining the overall well-being of our students.


Royal Winnipeg Ballet Dr. Brian Lukie, B.Sc., Image


Royal Winnipeg Ballet Edward Zwingerman Image


Royal Winnipeg Ballet Reede Hawton RD, BSc. HNS Image

Sports & Wellness Nutrition Consultant

Royal Winnipeg Ballet Jorie Janzen RD, HPC, IOC Image

Sports & Wellness Nutrition Consultant

Royal Winnipeg Ballet Leanne Lawrie, R.M.T. Image

Massage Therapist

Royal Winnipeg Ballet Katie Zwingerman, B.M.R. (P.T.) Image


Royal Winnipeg Ballet Lexie Fast Image


Royal Winnipeg Ballet Dr. Lindsey MacDonald, MD, CCFP (SEM) Image

Dip Sport Med (CASEM)

Royal Winnipeg Ballet Dr. Deborah Hill, MDCM FRCPC Image

Dip Sport Med